3 Quotes & Sayings By Hillel F Damron

Hillel F. Damron spent his career as a lawyer, educator, and community leader. He served as an Assistant Attorney General for New York State under Governor Herbert Lehman, as the first Associate General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency under William Casey, and as a Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan. He was elected to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)/United States Delegation to the Sixth World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem in June 1987 Read more

He also served as Chairman of the Central New York Labor Council, Chairman of the Executive Board of the New York State Jewish Community Relations Council, and Chairman of the newly formed National Conference on Community Service and Justice. A recipient of numerous awards and honors, he has been inducted into both the Order of Lincoln and the National Order of La Orden de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

Good literature boils down to two things: How interesting is the story you are telling, and how interesting is your telling. Hillel F. Damron
The challenge of the writer is to transform–artistically and imaginatively–a unique personal experience into a universal, meaningful story. Hillel F. Damron